Highest Rated Comments

codester21247 karma

First off, thanks! Whether Reddit would one day be taken over by a large corporation due to their lack of income has always scared me, and your investment will definitely delay that possibility for a long time.

My question today is, what will you, as an investor, contribute to Reddit now that you have a relatively large stake in it, aside from money? Will you mostly sit back, or are there improvements you see to Reddit that you want to push for now?

codester21243 karma

What's the most memorable moment you've had working with a company you invested in?

codester21243 karma

Hope I didn't miss the train on this one. I'm currently taking a class on systems security and most of it has been pretty basic (finding vulnerabilities in shitty PHP sites, logging passwords, etc.). How would you recommend progressing from this stage? I'm really interested in security work, but I'm not sure where to look for more knowledge. I've looked at Matasano's crypto challenge and done a few of them and they've been a lot of fun, but I would have literally no idea where to begin looking for vulnerabilities in a school's system.

On a somewhat related note, I've seen you talk about your setup but couldn't find anything about what it is. Could you give a brief overview of what you use? I'm curious about what OS you run (Kali Linux..?), as well as what kinds of software you use when you are looking for vulnerabilities. Thanks for your time!