Highest Rated Comments

codytownshend483 karma

What was his impression of the germans? Was there a strong anti-german sentiment among the troops or was there any amount of sympathy? (I'm not sure if he would have been fighting hardcore SS guys or normal Wermacht troops)

codytownshend28 karma

Do you entertain the idea of biomechnical whatzajigs to keep your body running? Or the advancement of them happening quickly enough where it could be a realistic option?

codytownshend16 karma

I know this isn't entirely topical, but what did you think of doing the original songs for the Superbad soundtrack? I always thought the music for that movie didn't get as much recognition as it should have.

codytownshend7 karma

How many tally marks have you carved into your joystick? Are you ever made aware of the number of enemy/friendly/civillian casualties your missions have caused?

codytownshend1 karma

Are you worried that things may escalate to an actual civil war, as they did in Syria? The police's violence makes me nervous about this.

Good luck to you, friend, I hope you stay safe.