Highest Rated Comments

craftylad6 karma

Because he is from colorado, a state that just legalized weed, and is now in a state that has not legalized weed yet. Stop trying to bring race into this

craftylad6 karma

The status as a serious news site or the loss of credibility?

craftylad2 karma

An assumption based on no evidence. Until you have some it would be wise to keep to yourself or your views that you express will be ignored and written off as coming from a pissed off teenager with no basis

craftylad1 karma

It is technologically behind the times. It is no where near as advanced as the A320 family or 737 but it can be updated which is why Boeing is scared.

craftylad1 karma

Think bigger. Look to China and their new 737 competition for why Boeing is doing this. Get a precedent with Bombardier then they can use that to destroy Chinese replacement when they update it to not be shit.