Highest Rated Comments

cuntpolice26 karma

What was your childhood like? Your parents? You seemed like a cool and down to earth guy when I saw the show way back in the day. Also it was some of the most raw fighting I had ever witnessed. How did you keep the fame and fortune from going to your head and becoming a prick like some of the guys I see? Anyway, just wanted to give a shout out, if I knew you were fighting, I would always try to watch. Best fights ever.

cuntpolice2 karma

Congratulations sir, and thank you for your contribution to our society.

What is your opinion on the current state of the world and where we are heading? What are your 3 top priorities that you want to change with the current state of the world or our nation?

cuntpolice1 karma

I watched you present early on, you're a really smart dude- funny you made that goof, I'm sure I would do the same. Did you just start from scratch, getting everything going, or did you already have connections? It seems such a monumental task to overtake such an industry, especially with the barriers in place. You made some really nice connections, how hard were those to get in place? This is idea I've had before, but everything just seemed impossible. How do you manage to get past that? Also, are you guys still taking investments?

cuntpolice1 karma

who do you use for your manufacturer and how do you find someone like that? This seems to be my biggest problem, figuring out who the fuck to use for shit like this.

cuntpolice1 karma

how do you find manufacturers who make this stuff? I mean, that seems like the hardest part to me. I can think of tons of ideas I could sell on the QVC channel or wherever, and I would know how to sell it and design it, but where do I find someone to help me make this?