Highest Rated Comments

d_abernathy891637 karma

Hey Matt! You've been my favorite actor since the Bourne Identity. Can't wait for the new one.

  • How long does it take you to decide "yes" or "no" on a role when you read a script?
  • What are the ingredients of your ideal taco?

d_abernathy89220 karma

I think it's funny you linked to an answer on another site that came from his last AMA

d_abernathy89149 karma

Why wait till Halloween? A wizard arrives precisely when he means to.

d_abernathy898 karma

Hey Matt! Three questions:

  • PHP has matured a lot in the last few years, with new tools such as Composer and new frameworks such as Laravel. The relationship between this side of the PHP community and WordPress seems to be pretty strained. Are there plans to address this relationship, particularly with the new focus on WordPress as a web app framework?

  • Thoughts on forking WordPress, a la jQuery? (http://eamann.com/tech/wordpress-forking-and-the-road-to-4-0/)

  • Multiple content areas - probably the most important CMS feature not baked into core. Will it ever happen?