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daebat35 karma

Claude! I'm a huge fan of Ween, love me some EODM, and I'm new to the Amandla stuff but loving what I've heard. What would you say is your favorite Ween related story? Also, what's Josh Homme like? He seems like he could be an awesome dude but also be a huge dick. Can't wait for my Ace of Spades Shirt!

daebat15 karma

Haha, awesome! Thanks for the answers Claude!

daebat8 karma

I'd say the ween reunion weighs more heavily on Mickey and Aaron actually talking it out rather than Claude being around.

daebat8 karma

This was a good read, thanks for posting!

daebat7 karma

Nothing really. I've always loved this video where Jaime Oliver tries to teach kids healthy eating habits by showing what chicken nuggets are made of and cooking it in front of them. After it's all done and over with he says, "who wants some chicken nuggets?" and all of them do.