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dchance65 karma

It's because by putting the pieces back in place that only the GOP cares about, it puts pressure on the Democrats to cut a deal to get everything open. In doing that deal, it would mean that the democrats would be coming in at a significant disadvantage because the GOP has what it wants funded and the Democrats do not, which means that in the end, in order to finally get everything restored and opened, the Democrats would have to essentially give the GOP what they want: defund or significantly hamper the ACA. The only concession that either side has given up is the one that should have been: guaranteeing that the military is paid on time and in proper order.

dchance6 karma

My son saw a guy with a prostetic (similar to yours). as we're walking by him he turns to my wife and (in a voice definitely loud enough for the guy to hear) says "Mommy, that guy is a robot".

dchance2 karma

What other activities - similar in fashion to this - do you do with your daughter? For instance, I know that Trever Miller (a pitcher with various clubs - i know of him from being a Rays fan) has run many races with his daughter. I believe he even completed the disney marathon in 2009 pushing her along. If you don't do this, is it something you've given though to?