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deadmemories13353 karma

If you could smoke with anyone in history ever, who would it be?

deadmemories168 karma

I feel like dispatch centers should be able to have discretion. A guy called the cops on me and a friend for trespassing because a frisbee went in his front yard and we went to get it. I couldn't believe they actually took the time to dispatch someone for that and waste the cop's time.

deadmemories122 karma

Hey Jason, any scars left over from the glass clock incident? Lol

But seriously I've seen you guys live 3 times and its fucking amazing every time. I look forward to the next time you guys roll through Orlando!

Oh and my offer, from Tumblr, to take you guys to lunch before a show still stands!

EDIT: Said glass clock incident. Jason thought it was plastic when he took it off of the wall.

deadmemories15 karma

Wish we had the shirt and bathing suit rule at Universal...

deadmemories11 karma

Hey eyal, first off thanks for the constant tips on Tumblr and thanks for the follow on there too haha. I live about 40 mins from your studio and want to visit it, but I know you're not open to the public really :(

ANYWAYS, how did you get started with recording and how did you work your way up to recording these amazing bands? I want to be a producer in the future and don't really know where to start and how to work my way up.

Oh and Battlecross's new album, holy hell good work.

EDIT: And I also hear Whitechapel has been over at Audio Hammer. Can't wait to see what comes of that!

EDIT again: Oh and any jobs available? :) Even studio cleaner? lol