Highest Rated Comments

deansgirl247 karma

Hey Mr. Cusack! HUGE fan, I may or may not be slightly in love with you =] My question is do you think the government already censors the media, and should they have any say in what is shown/not shown? Also, what is you opinion of Bradley Manning's whistle-blowing incident to Wikileaks? I personally support wikileaks, but I would be curious as to your opinion? Thank you so much for your time, and stay awesome and handsome!

deansgirl73 karma

Huge fan Eric! I have played several of your pieces in high school symphonic band including Cloudburst and October. I play the Euphonium, and was lucky enough to score all the solos in your pieces when we played them! So, my question as a Euphonium player/lover- Do you have any pieces in the works with Euphonium features? Also, how do you feel about the Euphonium compared to other brass instruments? I feel like we are like, the unsung heroes who dont get enough credit! THANKS! <3 PS- I love your facebook posts!