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designut16 karma

ahha. I tried to explain this to my husband once, about how my mind works with images, and he said I was crazy. So, phew! Now I can make fun of him for thinking linearly!

designut14 karma

This is such a sad, sad story.

I wonder about the parents - did they have support financially, to be able to take on such a huge responsibility as parents in raising a child who had such special needs?

designut14 karma

Hats off to you for that. This is another reason why East Coasters have a reputation for being the most kind people in Canada.

Kudos from Ontario.

designut5 karma

Hi David!

It sounds like you're passionate about your job, and I think that's fantastic!

This is kind of a question, kind of not. When I was in grade 7, we watched documentaries on commercial fishing for tuna, and the techniques they use to find tuna (basically, throw a net in an area around dolphins, since dolphins feed off tuna)... bringing the "dolphin friendly" slogan so many tuna companies now write on the can. The trouble is, my seven grade class wrote letters to these "dolphin friendly" companies, asking if they could explain their alternative "dolphin friendly" technique. Their response (from more than one commercial tuna company) was basically "you're in grade 7. You wouldn't understand." Since I read their responses, I have not had a single bite of any sea or lake dwelling creature, because it made me realize how easy it would be to exploit creatures of the sea, (think of all the over-fishing which has been clearly proven) and I wanted no part of it. It's been 18 years!

What information could you give me about this? I feel like the ocean is the forgotten land of animals - even "vegetarians" I know eat fish - and this AMA is the first time I've heard mention of sustainability. Could you point me in the right direction? Also - because then I will have a better retort when people bug me about how I'm weird and picky for not eating fish (in fact, I loved it). And then, maybe I can enjoy seafood again - responsibly and sustainably.

Tl;dr - I think I was a fish in another life. I don't eat fish. I'd like to learn more about sustainability, and also, what effect fishing has on oceanic environments.

Edit: clarity

designut5 karma

Oh my god, I know! That is really alarming, and sad! Can you imagine?