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desktopdrummer84 karma

Hey guys. Protest the Hero has been my favorite band for a long time, and I wanted to tell you about how much I appreciate you music.

In High School I was really into both Kezia and Fortress, but hadn’t really discovered Scurrilous yet. When I got to college my friend showed it to me and I became obsessed. Every song was amazing and just completely blew me away. At the end of my first semester in school I met a girl who seemed really cool and like a lot of fun. One thing led to another, and we started dating. She was the first girl I ever slept with. This was obviously a big deal. In our relationship she was emotionally abusive and making fake suicide threats frequently. I spent Christmas Eve with my family talking my girlfriend out of jumping off of the roof. This was, understandably, a very trying time for me. It was during this time that I started listening to Hair Trigger non-stop. I know that this isn’t what that song is about, but the lyrics were almost 100% relevant. I would release all of my tension by listening to Hair Trigger and singing along. It was with this song that I saved my sanity. Thankfully, I eventually worked up the courage to break up with this girl. But Hair Trigger will always have a special place in my heart, as will Protest the Hero.

Thank you so much for all of your incredible music. I do have a few questions as well, but you can choose to ignore them.

1) What kind of musical training does each of you have? Are you completely self-taught, or has anyone taken lessons? 2) How would you describe your next album? 3) Can we expect another live album? 4) Why are there not more interviews of Moe? As a drummer, he has inspired me immensely. 5) When do you think we might see you in the States, and maybe the New England area?

Can’t wait for the album! Thank you so much!

desktopdrummer33 karma

You've made me so happy :')

desktopdrummer26 karma

I would kill to go to that pizza party.

desktopdrummer1 karma

What is your house like? Size, interior, decor, form of heat? Do you live near other people, or is your home more remote?

desktopdrummer1 karma

Haha, that's more people than my town. Who do you live with?