Highest Rated Comments

dhoward120 karma

Dear Mr. Boyle,

I don't have a question for you today. I just wanted to say thank you for making 127 Hours. No film I have ever seen has affected me in a more positive way than your film. I watch it whenever I am having a bad time in life or if I am struggling with personal issues and it helps me to put my problems into perspective and persevere. I can't help but cry from happiness ever time I watch Aaron emerge from between those rocks. It gives me such a freeing feeling and even now just thinking about the scene I am having a hard time trying not to tear up. It's hard to argue that my circumstances are more difficult than Aaron's were at that moment and I realize that I can overcome anything in my life. I think that you have reached the ultimate goal of art and filmmaking and have had a positive impact on not only me but millions of others around the world. I am a filmmaker as well and I hope that someday I can make a film that has an equally positive effect on somebody. So in closing I just wanted to say thank you so very much and maybe one day I will be able to work on a film with you. It would be a dream come true to learn from a master such as yourself. Again, thank you for having the courage and immense talent to tell Aaron's story it really means a lot to me.

Sincerely, David

dhoward12 karma

What would I have to do to get you to score a short film for me? I am willing to do almost anything. Love your work.

dhoward12 karma

Firstly, I want to thank you for doing this. It is not easyto get advice from someone of your stature. I have a few questions for you if you don't mind. My friends and I have written a script and are currently looking to shop it around and hopefully raise some money to make it. Do you have any advice on how we might go about getting it in front of some of the larger studios? Also, do you have any advice on how to go about getting an agent as a writer or director? Finally, I am interested in optioning the rights to some news stories and books and was hoping that you might have some insight on the subject or could suggest some other reading that I could do to help me in my endevour. Thank you so much.

dhoward11 karma

So I am gonna say what the hell and just give this a try. Would you be willing to read a script my friends and I wrote and give me your feedback? It's kinda like The Goonies and Monster Squad but for an older generation.

dhoward11 karma

Thanks so much. Hopefully one day I will be able to work with you. Can't wait to hear what you do next.