Highest Rated Comments

dietrich293 karma

Hello! I'm an undergrad geology student who recently did projects on Stromboli, Santorini, and Ecuador's Quilotoa and Cotopaxi (separately). I also just got back from a study abroad program to Ecuador where I visited Cuicocha, Quilotoa, Cotopaxi, Pasochoa and Rumiñawi. It was so beautiful!

I guess all I have to ask is, what is your favorite volcano and why? Keep doing what you do! I have so much respect for you.

dietrich292 karma

The day after we visited the Cotopaxi national park there was a lahar and part of the park had to close and 40 people were evacuated! I was disappointed that we weren't able to see it. Our tour guide was telling us about the dangers of the ice. Tourism in the area is taking a huge hit.

dietrich291 karma

What benefits do you receive? (If there's any besides the ones you already mentioned)