Highest Rated Comments

digduggggg1032 karma

Did it ever bother you that your dad was a running gag to people? Or, were you guys laughing all the way to the bank?

digduggggg230 karma

Congrats on the show and thanks for doing this! I'm 28 and I just started in comedy and I've been waiting for this AMA for awhile now. Let me ask you, how long after starting stand up was it before you got paid to tell jokes, and did it feel different from being an amateur? Also, any advice?

digduggggg18 karma

Thank you so much for doing this, Ive been waiting for days. 2 questions. 1 from my brother who cant get to a computer, and one from me. 1. Do you have any stories about the legendary drinking ability of Andre the Giant? 2. How have you dealt with Jamie's admitted affair with greek yogurt?

digduggggg8 karma

Laxatives in the eggs? or old-wives tale?

digduggggg8 karma