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disorderlyconductor1235 karma

I may have crossed a line here but I really want you to be able to go fishing.

So I wrote to the Darryl Gwynn Foundation, which has a fundraising event called Hot Rods and Reels and said this:

Hello Darrell Gwynn Foundation,

I'm writing you about your Hot Rods and Reels events and also to ask you for help. I'm asking because I'm moved by the story of a man called Tedsnake. On this site called reddit.com, Tedsnake started a thread, to respond to a request from another member on the site, about his life after waking from a coma which had a duration of four months.

My curiosity quickly turned to compassion as this man, aided by his roommate, described how drastically his life changed after an impaired driver took the lives of his wife and children and very nearly himself. I would encourage you to look through the discussion here to be heartened by the challenges this individual has overcome: http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/p6xx7/as_requested_iama_man_who_was_in_an_extended_coma/

To provide a brief (and what I am sure is in no way complete) history of the comments, Tedsnake lost his job as a manager of Ohio Auto Parts Company, until it went out of business November 11th, 2006. The following spring Tedsnake was involved in the accident which robbed him of his family. After being discharged from the hospital he was homeless only until recently.

I was particularly moved to compassion by this comment: Tedsnake: I was manager of a very large auto parts company in Ohio for 25 of my 30 years employment there. I used to professionally drag race and do mechanic work, including building custom show cars. I can't do these things now. I'm totally disabled now. And I'm worthless. I collect money from the government to sit here and eat. To me that's a worthless person. (Roommate: Doing my best to assure him he's wrong about this)


This comment in particular that started me on the search which led me to your organization:
Tedsnake: No. I'm completely disabled now. I used to work in an autoparts warehouse, but I'm not able to do that now. As for hobbies, I still create models (tanks and airplanes, mostly.) I don't create furniture or hunt anymore, though. And nobody will take me fishing. http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/p6xx7/as_requested_iama_man_who_was_in_an_extended_coma/c3n0kbs

I live in Canada, so I can't take Tedsnake fishing, since he lives in Orlando. However, I've noticed that your organization is nearby. I'm hoping that an organization such as yours, that has combined these two passions of Tedsnake would be willing to help this man get his lure in the water. I recognize that the Darrell Gwynn Foundation has focused its mandate to provide support for people living with paralysis and prevent spinal cord injuries. While Tedsnake has mentioned he requires a wheelchair for distances greater than 50ft, he does not have full paralysis to my knowledge. However I believe your organization and Tedsnake are kindred spirts, it is my hope that through your organization, Tedsnake can return to at least one of the things he enjoys to do.

Sincerely, DisorderlyConductor.

I hope that other redditors will send a similar email to info@darrellgwynnfoundation.org and the power of the internet can get you out on the water. All the best my friend!

TL;DR Send an email to info@darrellgwynnfoundation.org and help get Tedsnake out fishing!

EDIT As pointed out, I got the email address wrong. Fixed that for this post, but big thanks to NattyBumppo for catching my error. Much appreciated. Now lets show that charity the kind of outpouring that got SOPA shelved!

EDIT 2 Big thanks to the hundreds of you that sent emails. We're almost there, please see their reply:

*Hi. This morning we’ve received hundreds of emails from people all over the country asking us to help a gentlemen named “Tedsnake”. We are trying to understand who exactly Tedsnake is, how all of you learned of our organization and fishing tournament, and why and how an email campaign started requesting we help him. We really aren’t having much luck understanding the situation from any of the emails or links that are being sent to us.

If any of you can direct us to a caretaker for this gentlemen, we would be happy to investigate the matter and see if we can assist. Thank you and please have a caretaker contact us a info@darrellgwynnfoundation.org.*