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drachmir9 karma

I looked through the FAQ's on shipping and didn't see an answer. I've ordered live ladybugs for the farm, as well as live crickets to set up my own growing program(for fish bait. I was a camp counselor in charge of fishing). In both instances, they came in cardboard box that I foolishly just cut open to inspect.

Ladybugs EVERYWHERE in the house!!!!! Crickets running wild(thankfully outside!)

Do you double box yours? Ship in a mesh bag or a plastic container in a box? Or just *BOOM* cockroaches and hornworms everywhere? Any fun horror stories to that effect?

drachmir2 karma

that's pretty impressive. I didn't think on the scale of this kind of operation.

drachmir-2 karma

Forgive me if this is a bit of a silly question. If there were no holds barred, no civil or criminal repercussions, no lasting harm to anyone, and you could make a clean getaway afterwards....

Would you kick each and every one of these jerks right in the crotch?