Highest Rated Comments

drluvmuffin4 karma

How did you get started in data science? What sparked your interest?

drluvmuffin3 karma

that's a great perspective. it's interesting to think about how much AI can connect us globally. thanks

drluvmuffin3 karma

AI seems to be such a big topic and what I wonder most is what are the major ways it can affect my everyday life? Especially when it comes to AI for good. Thank you!

drluvmuffin1 karma

My dad is great and he takes care of the family. However, I can tell that he doesn't always take of himself. How do I approach a conversation with my dad about self-care and paying attention to mental health, without being met with a ton of resistance? My dad has an old school view on therapy and digging deeper into these topics. I also don't want him to feel like he is doing something wrong.