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durandall0823 karma


durandall0821 karma

As someone with many Danish friends, there is definitely a Danish pronunciation of Danish names and (at least one) another pronunciation for everyone else.

durandall082 karma

What would you say to people who would put forward the argument that this technology would have greatly reduced the number of victims in the DC sniper attacks? As someone who works in a field providing data to law enforcement, I've heard this argument more than once.

durandall082 karma

Hi Max:

The "Sleep" and Return of Superman is my favorite thing on youtube (with a close second being Ron Livingson doing keyboard cat).

Whenever my anime friends talk about wanting a live-action Akira, I always tell them to just go see Chronicle (which I loved). Were you inspired by it? Or did it just work out that way? I know the anime is very different than the movie, did that have any effect?

durandall081 karma

Ok, thank you for your answer. You guys do great work, keep it up!