Highest Rated Comments

easy_being_green219 karma

To whom is the FCC accountable? It seems not even the president has any say in what the FCC does.

easy_being_green49 karma

Mr. Potter,

Thanks for doing this AMA.

Can we really expect anything to change regarding Super PAC laws? Wouldn't change require reform coming from the very people who have benefited from their Super PACs? Do you think campaign finance laws will get progressively better, worse, or stay the same?

easy_being_green42 karma

I hear that old piano... come crashing down on you...

I smell the napalm, I look around for you

Oh my sweet sweet sweet old shotgun, blasting down the door

It's Judgement Day, your mama's prayin'.

Honey, could we ask for more?

easy_being_green12 karma

Thanks for answering! That statistic about Obama vs. Reagan fundraising made my eyes bulge.

In case you have the opportunity to answer a follow-up--I see that from a citizen's perspective, and from a productivity perspective, the importance of shortening the amount of time politicians spend fundraising. However, from that politician's perspective, shortening that amount of time means overturning elections. So you get a system akin to natural selection, where the surviving trait is the one that encourages survival--that is, the politicians who stick around are the ones who spend more time fundraising, and so the population has selected out the "gene" for actually being productive. How can we correct for that? Can it be done legislatively, or through citizens' actions, or do we just ask nicely and hope for the best?

easy_being_green3 karma

That's a fascinating response, thank you so much. So a citizen can sue the agency over an arbitrary and capricious decision, or does the court case have to come from someone specific?