Highest Rated Comments

eatsbabydingos145 karma

You are obviously a well-read, well-educted and thoughtful person. You are writing for a room full of rabid, blind, feral kittens.

eatsbabydingos116 karma

Is Generallissimo Francisco Franco still dead?

eatsbabydingos51 karma

Hey Dan:

Old guy here. When I was a kid, the first long play stand up I ever heard was Bill Cosby's "The Chickenheart That Ate New York" in the early '70's. Who was the first comic you remember hearing, and did you buy his/her album?

eatsbabydingos25 karma

I am so in love with Julianna Margulies; what is she like in real life?

eatsbabydingos14 karma

I've read that Australia has the most venomous sea snake in the world, and I am wondering-how do you determine what is "most toxic"?

And thanks for chatting it up!