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eddiemoya35 karma

Seems to me there could be a whole series for each "continent". I would love a more detailed history on Asia. It typically feels so disconnected from our western centric history.

eddiemoya11 karma

+1 to everything you just said. I think more people need to hear you say this sort of thing. Many critics of WP believe that the community is blissfully unaware of the serious problems or just general weirdness that exists in core.

Can I ask if you would add one more thing to that list? How do you feel about there being (i forget the actual count) something like 1400 1728 hooks/filters in core - many of which are used by core itself to do internal things, and not specifically for external customizing.

eddiemoya7 karma

No need for all that effort Hank, we can tell your awful right now.

You guys are actually incredible. You in particular Hank got me to understand electron orbitals a little bit more intuitively. Every other time I tried to understand them, the hyroglyphics I was confronted with made me sympathize with the ancient aliens guy.

eddiemoya5 karma

WordPress as a "framework"

At WordCamp Chicago this year someone (someone who works at the same company as I do, Sears), asked you how you felt about WordPress being used as a "framework". You responded, but you sort of dodged it, because you asked for a show of hands from anyone who was already using it as a framework. I get it, you as a figurehead probably dont want to discourage developers who are excited about WordPress in any way and you also dont want to earn the wrath of developers who disagree - its bound to be a controversial subject (your response led to some debate on twitter that day).

I would like to know, not if people are using it as a framework, and not if its possible to use it as a framework - but if you think WordPress is a great option for building frameworks from a technological standpoint. Not can you do it, should you do it.

If so, what caveats would you have - what are some limitations of WordPress as it is today in this regard.

If not, what do you see as holding WordPress back from being a true/good/better framework.

Thanks for doing this AMA, and thanks for coming to WordCamp Chicago, hope you come again!

P.S. Oh, and thanks for, you know - making WordPress - from which I have made almost all of my income for the last 5 years or so.

eddiemoya4 karma

How directly involved are you in ongoing development of core? Are you relatively hands on, do you ever drive decision making or do you leave it to the community?

On a completely different subject.

I met you at WordCamp Chicago this year (I told you about a widget plugin that turns them into a post type and such).

I created these wooden WordPress logos with my 3D Printer, I meant to give you one but I forgot about it. You still want one?