Highest Rated Comments

edmismylife93 karma

I live in Newtown and it was fucking atrocious the way most of the media conducted itself. There sort of was an unspoken rule where no one was talking to the media. It drove them insane so they were going door to door sticking cards in and generally hassling the shit out of people. The real boiling point for me came when they showed a mother being broken the news on camera. I had to turn off the TV cause I was just so angry.

edmismylife14 karma

Yeah the only ones who I would watch because they actually showed a hint of class were Anderson Cooper and that other woman who does "Out Front" I can't think of her name though.

edmismylife3 karma

My first urge was to drop everything I had into his chest cavity.... I'm a dick.

edmismylife1 karma

What's the biggest advanced mastering tip you have to get that extra crispness and punch out of a mix? I know how to get the basic master down with Izotope, but it always feels like I'm slightly behind something releasable.

Any general tips you wish you had known earlier in your producing career?


edmismylife-13 karma
