Highest Rated Comments

effieokay134 karma

This AMA really freaked me out.

I noticed a guy side-eyeing me and pretending to read a book in Starbucks a few weeks ago, then I saw the same guy again a few weeks later, wearing a baseball cap and sitting in a car outside the hospital when I went up there for work.

effieokay76 karma

Haha I don't even go to 4chan because I don't want my name all up in that hot mess, much less do anything actually interesting.

Anyone, uh, monitoring this conversation should take note of that.

effieokay17 karma

Find a boring roommate or two and do it that way. You'll do fine.

I mean it in the nicest possible way but don't rely on family.

effieokay6 karma

If a parent and their children live in an environment where the children see their parent being abused on a daily basis, sometimes for years, do you not think that is a form of child abuse?

Yes it sucks for the partner who is being abused and it is difficult for that person to leave, but when you have children, sorry, you have to make them the top priority.

effieokay4 karma

What signs/red flags can I look for to know if a restaurant kitchen is clean or dirty?*

*Short of walking into the actual kitchen and checking, which isn't always possible.