Highest Rated Comments

elstongunn3227 karma

God is an all powerful omniscience being, but he can't prevent his hair from turning white/grey?

elstongunn3210 karma

C'mon Man! It's the "African American yard". How dare you.

elstongunn323 karma

With a small windfall of money at 22, you put 1/3 if it in an IRA? Sounds like you were raised right. Your parents are still together, right?

elstongunn322 karma

If you had one thanks to give, would it be to god or the doctors and nurses that helped you?

elstongunn322 karma

What do you think about Adam Carolla's opinion on children's books and their authors? That they're piles of shit, horribly written, and authors write kid's books because they can't write real books?