Highest Rated Comments

emiliodelgado152 karma

What is your opinion of the Occupy movement?

edit: also, how does it feel to be Stephen Colbert's twin?

emiliodelgado17 karma

You got my vote, too bad I don't live in Texas!

emiliodelgado5 karma

well, does he?

emiliodelgado5 karma

well, damn. I wasn't expecting a lengthy reply, thank you! this helped a lot. I'm planning on moving to LA early next year once production is done on my current booking but I had definitely thought about UCB and Groundlings. I'll probably take classes at both.

thanks again for the reply dude, and good luck getting booked more!

emiliodelgado1 karma

Oh shit. I'm late to this but a new Baywatch movie?! Where do I sign up?