Highest Rated Comments

escapefromelba70 karma

How about whale?

escapefromelba34 karma

It could potentially lead to a reform of the whole electoral college system though which may be warranted

escapefromelba9 karma

Heck, the majority of illegal immigration stems from immigrants entering with a valid visa and then overstaying. Overstays have exceeded those entering illegally every year since 2007, and there have been half a million more overstays than illegal entries since 2007.

escapefromelba9 karma

The problem is single payer alone doesn't address those costs. The American health care system is very different than most other nations. For instance, in most single payer countries the hospital system consists of multi-bed wards not shared and private rooms which require significant more cost, staffing, and equipment. Whether through premiums or taxes our current expectation of the healthcare system is incredibly expensive. Additionally federal regulation of the costs of medical treatments and drugs is non-existent in our system as opposed to other universal healthcare systems - multi-payer or single payer. Congress won't even allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices.

escapefromelba8 karma

He's worth $18m. He's been very successful in real estate investing even parlaying it into a home improvement show that's run for 8 seasons