Highest Rated Comments

ethanspoppa_ok442 karma

Coming from Oklahoma, I can understand this. However, as I have pointed out many many many times there IS NO INTERNET LOOPHOLE. No matter what state you live in, whether it is California (one of the toughest on guns) or somewhere else that is much more lax like Alaska, any gun you buy on the internet MUST be shipped to a licensed FFL (federal firearms licensed) dealer. At said dealer, you must then go through the background check and waiting period (if applicable) before you get your gun. Usually in states like Oklahoma, it is just the NICS check and no waiting period, but I personally bought a Glock .45ACP from an online seller when I lived in California and had to wait 10 days even though I paid for it. This is federal law. The only place this MAY not apply is with SOME long guns, not all. Federal law, no loophole. Please educate your fellow Democrat friends on this. Nothing drives me more crazy than falsehoods being perpetuated as truths.

With that said, I am in favor of enhanced background checks, and closing the gun show loophole (which is very real).

Downvote away if you wish, I speak the truth.

ethanspoppa_ok176 karma

Hello former Walmart logistics employee. I am a current Walmart logistics employee. I work in a grocery warehouse though, going on 3.5 years. I just have to say:

Gimme a squiggly!

No but seriously, how is it working in a regional (GM) warehouse? We have no conveyors in ours, it's all done by hand.

ethanspoppa_ok126 karma

I've always liked this one myself:


ethanspoppa_ok17 karma

Your father ages very well, considering April 19, 1995 was eighteen years ago and he still looks EXACTLY the same.

ethanspoppa_ok16 karma

I was speaking of the sales between private sellers. Perhaps it's not a loophole after all.