Highest Rated Comments

firethorn4322 karma

Is it Dril or is it wint? Why does no one call you wint? Or better yet, where do these names come from?

firethorn4313 karma

Congrats on the big success on the show!

I recently read The Final Hours of Half-Life 2 (having never read any of the others yet), and really enjoyed hearing about more of the insides of Valve, even though that was a decade ago. Any other stories you can share from that, or any of the Final Hours series?

firethorn4312 karma

2 questions for Smallbu:

  1. What was the process of creating new characters for Later Alligator? Did you start with thinking "what part of pat's family is this character of?" or just come up with designs and slot them in where they fit?

  2. How was it working with the Brothers Chaps on the Stinkoman 20X6 intro?? Seriously the collab of the generation.

firethorn439 karma

What happened to that one video where the guy is chugging a mountain dew to "Stress" by Justice?

firethorn433 karma

I just want another 'Mast' game from Andrew and I will be on my way