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funkys22 karma

Good morning, I have a friend who is a veteran. 99% of the time he seems fine, but on the occasions when we start to lose him (usually after drinking) what can I do to bring him back/de-escalate the situation?

funkys3 karma

The thing that pisses me off about this comment is that someone who doesn’t know much about guns will think your story is impressive and that shooting expert in the coast guard means something.

Btw, they had repeating guns back then, they were experimental, but the concept was around. They even let private citizens own warships.

Edit: I’ve been around truly talented shooters. None of them ever talked about how good they are. None of them ever blamed the rifle.

funkys1 karma

Any advice on reading wind and avoiding eye fatigue from affecting your aim?

Also you probably didnt have to use safety glasses but if you have a tips on keeping them from fogging up holy jeebus I could use them.