Highest Rated Comments

gene_parmesan2582 karma

Thank you, Mr Gavin. Thank you for all of your Crash Bandicoot and Jak&Daxter games. I've lost months of my life playing them but wouldn't have it any other way, they were phenomenal.

Since this is an AMA though, I guess I had better ask you something rather than just sucking up!

Which game did you have the most fun developing & why?

And also: Did you ever get jealous of any of the insomniac-developed games that were coming out the same time as yours?

gene_parmesan2582 karma

How different has it been working at Media Molecule compared to your time at Lionhead?

(I find the history of both studios fascinating as I'm a massive, massive fan of Bullfrog Productions)

By the way, excellent work on Tearaway, it's a fantastic title and easily my favourite game on Vita so far (matched only by LittleBigPlanet, rather ironically).

gene_parmesan2581 karma

Thank you for doing this, Ted. A while back, Andy Gavin did an AMA on here too and I got to ask him a question. I can safely say that my reddit-happiness is now full since I got to ask questions to two of my childhood gaming heroes.

Anyway, I'll try to keep the gushing to a minimum, here goes:

1) What was it like working with Stewart Copeland on the Spyro soundtracks?

2) Your games traditionally have a lot of humor in them - from Moneybags' insults to Qwark's ineptitude. Which element of any of your titles have you found the funniest?

(My own personal favourite moment is from Spooky Swamp in Spyro 3 when Moneybags says:

"Stop talking to me,

I hate speaking in Haiku.

Just go find some gems!)

3) What has been the most challenging game you've developed?

Again, thank you, and best of luck to Insomniac in the future.