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gobbo19 karma

Interestingly, I gave up a three decade tobacco addiction about a month after getting an ADHD diagnosis, because I realized I was using the tobacco as a medication, and I didn’t have to anymore.

Quitting was weirdly easy despite ongoing cravings. The other meds/techniques fill the gap better than tobacco.

gobbo4 karma

On a cross country trip, you will meet many people, and almost all of them will ask what you’re doing and why.

It’s a perfect opportunity to be an advocate for a cause. I think a person should always consider utility above self indulgence when planning a vacation, journey, or expiration. Craft a purpose and contribute to something other than your tan.

gobbo2 karma

How often in your job do you have to sort out the various definitions of "silence"?

gobbo2 karma

Yeah, I worked a troller just like yours one season on the canadian side of the border, right up to the edge of Alaska, and since we were fishing for Pinks we kept catching lots of (out of season) sockeye -- pink hoochies -- the ones we didn't hide made pretty good chowder. Plus all the bycatch, like rock fish when getting too close to the bottom. Don't get caught, right? It was tough just tossing that stuff overboard for the albatrosses.

gobbo2 karma

I got the titanium tube-clips too, but the doctor didn't even make an incision, just a hole that he then widened for the procedure. When he was done 15 minutes later, the holes just closed on their own, invisible and bloodless... Like magic!

The whole thing was bizarrely easy, and I got to milk the sympathy / hero trip for two weeks.

V for victory!