Highest Rated Comments

godbois259 karma

Both of these women don't seem to be criminals, they seem outright insane. How are they not in a mental care facility?

godbois225 karma

He did, although I think the woman was found to be scheming to claim his body after his death so she could parade it around and carve admission to see it.

godbois128 karma

  1. What is the education level of your parents?
  2. What do your parents do for a living?
  3. Any siblings? If so, what is their education level?
  4. Besides baking, what do your hobbies include?

godbois37 karma

Hey man. Long time follower. I'm actually listening to After Things right now while I'm working. I'm the dude who sent in the robot goblin stripper video you dudes talked about on a recent Weird Things.

A couple questions.

  1. How has your growing family influenced your career choices? I remember when you always seemed to be touring, but now you seem to be doing way more stuff from home. Was this a conscious decision, or just kind of a happy coincidence?

  2. How well do you balance work/family/fun/health? Do you feel any part of your life needs a higher percentage of attention right now? Bonnie seems like a super rad lady and a great partner in crime when it comes to your understandably less conventional career choice.

  3. You mentioned being interested in No Man's Sky. Have you played it yet? If so, what did you think?

  4. Any good entrepreneur book suggestions, recently read or otherwise?

  5. Any upcoming video games you're pumped for?

Thanks dude. I'm really looking forward to adding The Modern Rogue to my YouTube queue.


godbois36 karma

He had his eldest when he was 20, then? Your father got started on his family early.

Did he plan having such a large family, or did he sort of "fall" into it?