Highest Rated Comments

goji_sc2137 karma

Hello, thanks a lot for answering our questions. I hope everything is clear, as you may realise, english is not my native langage :D

Q : What is the most important thing that you have learn during the balancing process of Wings of Liberty? Are you going to approach balance issue differently in Heart of the Swarm now that you have more experiences?

Q : How are you going to manage the map pool of the ladder in Heart of the Swarm? Are you going to add and remove more maps, more frequently than you have did in Wings of Liberty?

Q : Do you think it's part of blizzard's job to encourage tournaments to renew more frequently their maps pools by adding new maps to the ladder's map pool?

Q : Do you think that some balance issues could be fix by adding new maps who could encourage player to find a new way to approach the game?

Q : "Situation report" has been a great tool for the community to know what was going on developper's minds during the beta of Heart of the Swarm. Are you going tu pursue them in the future?

Q : Who are you favorites players and why?

Q : What have been your favorite's tournaments to watch?