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goodBEan26 karma

Squirtle, bulbasaur, or charmander?

goodBEan17 karma

Have you sworn your allegience to the queen? Do you swear to defended her honor? Are you prepared to sacrifice your life for the kingdom?

goodBEan3 karma

Chef Ramsey, From your perspective whats the big difference between Master Chef and Master Chef Junior? Whats the difference between Children and adults competing in a culinary competition like Master Chef?

Also my 7 year old nephew introduced me to MasterChef last fall and I have been hooked ever since.

goodBEan2 karma

I think I saw a case like that on the Howard stern show a long time ago when it was cable. I am hoping I am getting details right:

There was a woman who was working as a hooters waitress with a condition similar to yours. She had one A-cup and one C-cup She hid her condition by using a rubber pad she made under her bra. She reached out to howard for advice. I can't recall if howard chipped in but the woman did get surgery to even them out. I don't recall if they ended up C's or D's but she was very happy with the result. I do remember seeing the before and after pics. I wish I could find the video.

If you can look into the mirror and smile at what you see and be happy, you are beautiful don't let anyone BS you on that. There is also nothing wrong with getting this fixed to make you feel better.

goodBEan1 karma

Whats the best way to defend myself against zombies? Will the zombie ants attack me? Can I get infected with the zombie virus from an ant?