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gqreader357 karma

How much nuoc mam you keep in the fridge?

Cuz I'm at 2 glass bottles and I consider it running low if its just 1 bottle and I have to call my mom.

Edit: some people questioning why its kept in the fridge. this is the great debate that is analogous to white people asking other white people why they keep the butter in the fridge vs on the counter in a covered butter dish plate. fridge is smarter because it just be like that.

gqreader44 karma

Did your parents force you to go live in vietnam in a hue village so you can gain greater appreciation of your privilege of being in the US and to not ever drop the nuoc mam ever again?

gqreader34 karma

this is the great debate that is analogous to white people asking other white people why they keep the butter in the fridge vs on the counter in a covered butter dish plate.

gqreader6 karma

The blended sweeter one. Not the brown straight fish piss