Highest Rated Comments

greatluck19 karma

A much better life than a Muslim in Syria.

greatluck6 karma

I understand why net neutrality is a good thing. What I don't understand is the other side's perspective -- why are they saying net neutrality shouldn't be in place? Can you shed some light on their reasoning?

greatluck3 karma

Obviously Republican congressmen aren't saying they oppose it because the cable companies are paying them. What are the reasons they are publicly giving for opposing this?

greatluck1 karma

What do you think of the whole Netanyahu speech fiasco? Do you think it was blown out of proportion or are congressmen right to boycott?

greatluck1 karma

So if I was to ask Mr Boehner (just an example, I don't actually know what his stance on this issue is) why should net neutrality not be passed, what would he say today? Sorry for pressing on this, I'm just trying to wrap my head around their argument...