Highest Rated Comments

grkirchhoff12 karma

When can we expect to see chips with a 3d substrate hit the market? What are the biggest challenges in creating such a chip? Do you think it is realistically going to happen, or is it another one of those "this COULD happen" things that never come to fruition?

grkirchhoff6 karma

What specifically do you plan to do to improve the economy, not just of Michigan, but of the entire country? Are there any bills on the matter that you support? What specifically do you think needs to happen to restore the economy, and how do you plan to make it come to fruition?

grkirchhoff4 karma

As a side note, thank you for taking the time to do this AMA...I've seen a few, and most of them just answer a select few questions and are done. You are doing more than that, and I've noticed. I think that a lot of current politicians are....well, to say it kindly, EXTREMELY undeserving of their job, and I am glad to see that not all politicians fit this mold. I am not from Michigan, so I cannot vote for you (that I know of?) but I do wish you the best of luck. The only way this country can improve is for people like minded to you to be elected.

grkirchhoff4 karma

Quantum means the smallest possible division of something, so a quantum leap would be the smallest possible improvement.

grkirchhoff2 karma

You cannot say you made it 10x better. You can say it is 10x more profitable. Those are different.