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groovyalibizmo2563 karma


groovyalibizmo1406 karma

There are always M&M's on every set. LOL. And that's just because they are SO DELICIOUS!! They really are. But all sets have craft service and M&M's are standard. Edit: they paid me enough each year that that was all I gave out for Halloween. So I guess they kept me in M&M's for 20 years but just cause i bought them with the money they gave me each year. LOL. They stopped running the ad two years ago but i still give then out. The new ad isn't very good but i really can't complain.

groovyalibizmo992 karma

Low six figures maybe?? I realize i hit the jackpot for one days work.

groovyalibizmo846 karma

I auditioned for years and year. So i justify it that way. And some people are born with a trust that gives them that every month. I honestly did feel a little guilty but I never protested too much. Acting can be very lucrative if you are successful. Don't hate me. i took a big risk.

groovyalibizmo778 karma

I absolutely would. And jealousy cause his ran last year. I'm hoping they bring mine back. It's replacement isn't very good.