Highest Rated Comments

honestlyopen114 karma

I can't figure how after the first visit nothing happened. Did the doc not tell you how big a deal your lack of kidney function was?

honestlyopen6 karma

Ah man, I don't feel the same. I didn't feel nearly as badly as they made out I would, but the same? I slept for ages. The wound is perfect and only bothers me the same way it bothers you. I am exhausted and it feels impossible to get comfortable. Two of my wounds are the n the side I normally sleep on. I gotta stop reading this thread because I am getting jealous of your recovery. That being said, last week I did feel a lot better than this week.

honestlyopen3 karma

I am considering donation. The doctors want me to stay under 75 kg for the rest of my life. They Are a bit tougher with altruistic donations I think. Anyway you don't have to be tiny, but you shouldn't be huge either.