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htxpanda3 karma

My friend is a flowhand for his dad's company in the panhandle every summer. Makes thousands. He wrote an amazing play while on the job.

My question is: How have experiences on the field changed the way you look at the world? It's crazy being out there, where really nothing happens, except for money flowing from the ground.

htxpanda3 karma

Love you guys, getting a little tired of Failure's Not Flattering and Head On Collision playing non stop on my pandora, but you know I never skip that shit.

Question one: which bands or songs did you listen to back in the 90s that made you want to start making music?

Related, but on the other side, question number two: which bands or songs are you listening to today that make you want to continue making music?

Also, if each of you guys picked one band or solo artist to create a band pandora station to listen to on the road, who would you pick?