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hurray4dolphins257 karma

I wasn't there but I would venture that she just went into great detail in a long conversation about her most personal experiences and fears and then the person she just bared her soul to didn't recognize her a couple minutes later. Do you see how she might feel a bit minimized, unimportant, or invisible during a very vulnerable time?

hurray4dolphins17 karma

OP had not yet discovered their diagnosis! They said in another comment that this experience was a clue.

hurray4dolphins8 karma

Have you ever gotten the feeling that a doctor was just reaching a little too hard to find a way to dismiss the problem?

For example I took my 2 kids to a student dentist for a period of time. The student dentists seemed to always come up with a reason, something they can blame for the cavity. I think they were trained to do it.

They would have me fill out a form with what the kid ate for the last 24 hours and they would always find something to blame a cavity on. My oldest got several cavities. One time I questioned them back- because I really was wondering why she got so many cavities. They blamed the juice box she drank that day and they told me to limit juice and soda. So I said she has juice like once a month and no soda. They said does she eat gummies? I said no. Finally the dentist said In a very uncertain voice... "Maybe it's the peanut butter because it kind of sticks to teeth? "

Anyway, grasping at straws. They were clearly guessing. It's fine but I found it strange and annoying that they would say it like it's a fact when it was a total guess.

hurray4dolphins7 karma

Get evaluated at a sleep center. You might have apnea.