Highest Rated Comments

iDareToDream647 karma

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks for doing this AMA. My question: What can be done to pressure tech companies into respecting digital privacy? Is this something that needs to be enshrined into law - that citizens have a basic right to digital privacy?

iDareToDream39 karma

How do house centipedes get into the house and is there anything I can do to prevent it from happening?

iDareToDream8 karma

Hi, thanks for doing this!

I have 3 questions

1) Stories like this can often lead to generalized debates about legalizing versus criminalizing prostitution and the sale of sex. In your experience, what's your take? Is it wiser to adopt the nordic model and criminalize the johns instead? Would such a strategy be a viable first step in eliminating sex trafficking?

2) What needs to be done to address this issue from a holistic perspective? What laws, policies and strategies need to go into ending this?

3) A related question to #2, but how do you stop traffickers from doing this to other girls? What can be done to prevent men from exploiting girls like this?

iDareToDream7 karma

Thanks this is good to know. I live in a city so I'm okay with the tiny spiders I see around the place. Less so the centipedes. I'll look into the diatomaceous earth idea, that sounds viable since there's really just a couple of spots I'd like to lock down.

iDareToDream6 karma

Just to clarify, if this was ratified, nations would have to adopt the IP laws in the TPP in place of IP laws they already have? Doesn't that amount to a trade agreement taking priority over national sovereignty?