Highest Rated Comments

i_saw_nothing576 karma

Hi Mr. Norton.

I just thought you should know that any time someone uses the word "chip" in casual conversation, I find myself unable to resist muttering "what's that?" under my breath, which then causes them to stop what they're saying and ask me what I just said. It's a total emergency break applied to a natural conversation.

You've ruined any discussions about poker and potato-based snacks, Jim.

Thanks for nothing.

i_saw_nothing26 karma

Redditor for nearly 15 months.

Well done, everyone.

i_saw_nothing1 karma

Hey Ant. Love you, Love th-- fuck. whatevs.

VOICEOVERS! Why is your only contribution to GTA:V in the form of the latest Pisswasser ad?

Why haven't you pursued voiceovers?