Highest Rated Comments

iambobanderson112 karma

What do you do 9-5 if the guests are gone?

iambobanderson83 karma

I personally don't think you get as good of a wipe sitting down. It's weird to reach around and angle your wrist in such a way as to access your butt while it's still in the toilet. Easier to just stand and do it.

iambobanderson14 karma

Yeah yeah, this is right now that I think about it. You don't stand like some kind of soldier at attention, you are definitely slightly bent. I've never had an issue with cheek separation, and what kind of debris are you talking about? Like toilet paper debris? I usually buy the stronger toilet paper so it's not like, all falling apart when I wipe.

iambobanderson6 karma

piggy-backing on the great lakes comment, do you have any idea how valuable the great lakes are to the US now, and what the projections are for their value in the future? Given the increasing drought situations in the US and all over the world, I feel like the demand for great lakes water is going to skyrocket..

EDIT: I thought I should explain - I grew up on Lake Superior and have a serious interest in protecting the Great Lakes. I'm now an environmental lawyer looking into ways we might ensure the protection of the lakes in the future.

iambobanderson2 karma

Hi Samantha! How have you found your knees have held up over the years? Is there anything special you do to keep them from getting damaged? I ran a ton when I was young and it seems like my knees can't really take it anymore. Any tips?
