Highest Rated Comments

idrinkirnbru134 karma

Do you have a brand new combine harvester, and would you give me the key?

idrinkirnbru15 karma


idrinkirnbru14 karma

There are a few sources which state North Korea's government is more of a Nazi regime than a Communist one. Would you say that ultra-nationalism is apparent when you live there?

Edit: I feel like I should clarify - is it apparent when the regime is looking the other way?

idrinkirnbru9 karma

You have my pledge!

idrinkirnbru3 karma

In one of the videos up on Kickstarter, you mention that you want the player to be able to use summons, like in Final Fantasy. Does that mean you will be designing a series of Guardian Forces, or will the player have an option to build his/her own, like Create-A-Summon?

Edit: I totally want Create-A-Summon!