Highest Rated Comments

indequestion16 karma

Iirc there wont be an Ocean's movie anymore without Bernie Mac. RIP Bernie he was the coolest!

indequestion9 karma

Haven't you heard? Orange is the new black.

indequestion3 karma

Thank you for your reply. if i may ask you one thing..did you change your set and/or the way you present yourself online thanks to what happened? Do you hold back more or maybe you're afraid to touch certain topics?

indequestion3 karma

Humor is not an exact science. Humor my friend, is subjective. What counts as a very spot on joke for you, might be a true miss in my view.

Now here we have a good example of a joke, which it is according to the joker in question, that does not resonates the same to everyone.

The same goes for threats. Who decides when a threat is a threat? If an actual terrorist would say such a thing, I would consider it as a danger. If a former member of the military/comedian says it, I would view it as an attempt to humor his followers. My point being is, don't take everything so serious, especially if you hear the reasoning behind the statement/joke.

You may not care about the fact that it is a movie spoof, but what about all the people that have a distaste for Apple employees and a love for the Fight Club movie that do like the combination of the two combined in a joke.

indequestion3 karma

The fact that you have to explain yourself is what scares me the most. Even if it is tongue in cheek, in my opinion you should be able to joke around freely and not be scared to talk. These scare tactics that were used on you and the way it changed you is totalitarian and looks like what the definition of terrorism really is. Joke around my friend and make the world a happier place. Peace!