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inthesandtrap153 karma

They are like the small tie-fighters hanging out near star destroyers.

inthesandtrap37 karma

Dude, that's what I do. Like, literally I record in my living room because that's all I can afford. My daughter loves to play with the mics.

inthesandtrap33 karma

How much would moving my account to another bank hurt Wells Fargo? Not much I am sure, but if enough people do it maybe someone will get the message?

Any other banks that are on the up and up?


inthesandtrap19 karma

Holy shit! I loved your old band Maktub - well, still do. I was in Portland in 2002-ish in a dark bar and heard you guys play No Quarter. Instant fan!

Do you miss being on the road with a band? I certainly miss seeing you at High Sierra and The Independent.

Also, thanks for the 'Tram Heavy Black Frame' recommendation from your last AMA. You're right. Perfect baby making music.

inthesandtrap18 karma

Hopefully you don't have PTSD or any lingering mental problems. That's what I worry about. Seeing hurt people and lives altered and ruined repeatedly may have negative repercussions.

Does it get to you? Do you have nightmares? PTSD?

Thanks for the taking to the time to do this.