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irritatedellipses12 karma

How many people who eat the "crab" meat know that they're eating pollock? I love the krab meat dishes, and walk in fully knowing what they are but I've often wondered how often people eat it thinking it's really crab.

Also, what "asian" dishes do you find get eaten the fastest? Is it the General X chicken? The "lo mein?"

Have you had Pei Wei? What did you think of it?

And, finally, is that paycheck a monthly? Because if it's a bi-weekly I think you'll find many a pissed hourly employee.

irritatedellipses3 karma

Apologies if this is too big of a question, but can you take us through a typical start-of-season? After producing off season content on trades and signings, what happens when you get the schedule? Are you planning out routes / hotels? Do you already have story beats you want to hit after seeing the first few team practices?