Highest Rated Comments

itsDANdeeMAN240 karma

What are your thoughts on the coverage CNN had on the first missing Malaysian airplane, MH370? I know there were some harsh critics.

itsDANdeeMAN65 karma

Strawberry or grape jelly?

itsDANdeeMAN61 karma

Thank you for being so timely with this AMA during the World Series! With your experience with bats, I've always wondered: are there specific advantages to certain brands/wood over others? Throughout this series, I've seen a ton of different kinds, from your standard Louisville Sluggers to Mizuno. These obviously vary between maple, ash, birch... Do you have a preference or feel certain kinds are better than others?

itsDANdeeMAN43 karma

Do you consider hot dogs to be sandwiches?

itsDANdeeMAN39 karma

I knew I liked you for a reason