Highest Rated Comments

jennz41 karma

/r/ucla mod here. We did not endorse this AMA, and didn't think Student Ambassadors was a good idea. If you guys would like some better answers, feel free to post on our subreddit, and more people will help you with better answers.

edit: I've stickied a post on our subreddit for all your unanswered or insufficiently answered questions. Honest answers, no ambassadors, and no time table.


jennz21 karma

I always have to look away. Childhood bike accidents haunt adulthood.

jennz12 karma

Yeah, it's called tidal heating. Because of the gravitational forces of the other Galilean moons, Europa's orbit is slightly elliptical. As it orbits around Jupiter, the difference in gravitational pulls causes Europa to stretch and contract accordingly; the flexure creates friction, subsequently heating the moon's interior - much like the heat you feel on a rubber band after stretching it a bunch of times.

/took Astrobio at uni with Bruce Runnegar. Fascinated the shit out of me.

jennz10 karma

I had the BIGGEST crush on Jared growing up. I was so sad to hear he was killed in an accident.

jennz10 karma

/r/ucla moderator here. We were not at all involved in this AMA. If you were as disappointed in this as we were, feel free to visit our sub and we will be happy to answer questions

I have stickied a post for all your unanswered or insufficiently answered questions. No "Ambassadors," no timetable, and honest answers from over 4,300 members from different parts of the school.

I'm sorry this was a shitty AMA. They wanted /r/ucla to advertise, but wanted to hand pick their Student Ambassadors. We will do our best to rectify the terrible job this AMA did.